Anomaly detection and assessment for building construction company

Building Facade Damage Inspection


In recent years, the building inspection industry has seen significant technological advancements. One area where these advancements have made a marked impact is in building facade inspections. The use of drones, artificial intelligence, and computervision has changed the way inspections are performed, improving safety, efficiency, and accuracy. This case study focuses on the role of Tictag, a high-quality data annotation company, in revolutionizing building facade inspections through their advanced annotation services.


Building facade inspections are essential in maintaining the structural integrity and safety of buildings. These inspections involve the identification and assessment of cracks, erosion, and other damage on building exteriors. Traditional inspection methods required manual visual inspection, which could be time-consuming, expensive, and potentially dangerous for inspectors.

To overcome these challenges, a building facade inspection company sought to implement acutting-edge, AI-powered inspection system utilizing drone technology and computer vision. This system required high-quality annotated data to train the machine learning models. The inspection company partnered with Tictag to fulfill their data annotation needs.

Tictag's Data Annotation Services

Tictag offers acomprehensive suite of data annotation services, with a focus on delivering high-quality, accurate, and consistent results. For this project, Tictag provided the following services:

  1. Image annotation: Tictag's team of skilled annotators worked on labeling the images captured by the drones during building inspections. Each image was carefully annotated toidentify the different types of damage and their severity.
  2. Object tracking: To ensure consistency and accuracy across images, Tictag's annotators tracked the identified damages across multiple frames. This enabled the AI model toeffectively recognize and monitor the progression of damages over time.
  3. Quality assurance: Tictag implemented a rigorous quality control process to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the annotated data. Multiple layers of review and cross-validation were used to minimize errors and enhance the overall quality of the dataset.

Impact on Building Facade Inspections

The collaboration between the inspection company and Tictag led to significant improvements inthe inspection process. Some of the key benefits realized include:

  1. Enhanced safety: Byutilizing drones and AI-powered computer vision systems, the need for manual inspections was significantly reduced. This minimized the risk to inspectors and made the process safer overall.
  2. Improved efficiency: The AI-powered inspection system, trained on Tictag's annotated data, enabled faster and more efficient identification of damages. This reduced the timespent on inspections and allowed the company to increase their inspection capacity.
  3. Greater accuracy: The high-quality annotated data provided by Tictag ensured that the AI model wasable to accurately identify and assess various types of damage. This resulted in more accurate and reliable inspection reports, leading to better-informed decisions regarding maintenance and repairs.
  4. Cost savings: The increased efficiency and reduced need for manual inspections led to significant cost savings for the building facade inspection company. The investment in Tictag's data annotation services was quickly recouped through these savings.


Tictag's data annotation services played a crucial role in revolutionizing the building facadeinspection process for the company. The high-quality, accurate, and consistent annotated data provided by Tictag enabled the development of a robust, AI-powered inspection system that improved safety, efficiency, and accuracy, while also reducing costs. This case study highlights the transformative power of data annotation in enabling AI-driven solutions and the value that Tictag brings to its clients.